Due to a large number of orders resulting in extended logistics times, we are expediting shipments. thanks you for your approval and purchase!
Most packages are shipped via DHL, but some locations we utilize USPS to ensure the fastest delivery possible.
Orders take 1-2 business days to process after placing the order before shipping out. We do not ship out on weekends.
Due to excessive orders, we might have delays up to 2 more days.
Where can I find my tracking number?
When your items are shipped out, you should receive an automatic notification from our system via email providing you with a tracking number.
If you have trouble finding your tracking information, please contact [email protected] for assistance.
Unexpected Delays
In some instances, the delivery may take longer than the standard shipping times stated above. External factors might cause shipping delays such as international customs processing and holidays that we cannot control. Please contact us if your package is taking too long to arrive and we will work with you to resolve any situation.
If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected].